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10 Things To Do If You're Feeling Suicidal

Writer's picture: Gary MichaelsGary Michaels

As I write this, September 10th, as it is every year, is World Suicide Prevention Day.

In addition to writing eulogies, promoting and improving mental health is something I am incredibly passionate about at PostScript so, if you're in that place where you don't see a way out and have somehow ended up on this blog, just be aware that I know exactly how you feel.

I've been there too, twice.

It's the worst place in the world to be, I know and I've been to Blackpool (sorry Blackpudlians).

If You're Feeling Suicidal? There ARE Things You Can Do To Help!

Pinboard that reads "Difficult Roads Lead To Beautiful Destinations"

It might not seem like there's a way out, but there is. There always is. All hope isn't lost, it just feels like it sometimes.

Hope exists in every situation, it just seems a little harder to find. If you're there, or feel like you're getting there, then I've put together a top ten list of things to do that might help you.

It might sound odd coming from a eulogy writing service, but I'm a person too - honestly, I am!

TRIGGER WARNING - If you think any of the things covered in this post may negatively impact your mental health, please don't read any further and seek professional help and support.

If you're still here, then the title says it all, but here are 10 things to do if you (or someone you know) is feeling suicidal.

1. Tell Someone

When you're feeling that low, the worst thing you can do is bottle it up, that's probably how to got to this point, so please tell someone.

By 'someone' I mean anyone who can help. Whether that's a family member, a friend, a medical professional, your counsellor, your therapist or call a suicide hotline, just tell them how you feel.

If you didn't realise it before, you'll soon understand that you're not alone.

A problem shared is a problem halved, as they say. Take a look at No. 9 for some more 'virtual-style' help.

2. Get Some Help

The second worst thing you can be is alone, so try and get whoever you've called to come to you and then get them to take you to a hospital (don't drive yourself) where you can get some proper care.

If that can't happen, for whatever reason, then get some emergency help.

Dial the number relevant to where you are (111 in the UK) and ask them to come and get you.

Don't worry about what they may think, they will be genuinely keen to help you, it's what they do.

If you are genuinely in danger of killing yourself, then call the relevant emergency number (999 in the UK).

3. Make Your Home Safe

If you think you are in danger of killing yourself, then creating a safe environment is key.

Remove any sharp objects and if you are considering an overdose, give any medication you need to someone who can give them to you in a safe, coordinated manner. Someone local is preferable so any medication you do need to take regularly is close at hand (but not too close).

4. Long-Term Help

If you begin to feel suicidal and aren't already under the care of a Doctor, therapist or other mental health professional, then you really should be.

Either to prescribe you some medication, some form of therapy or to help you determine why you feel the way you do.

If something is triggering these thoughts, then you need a way to manage those triggers and medical professionals are the best place to start.

5. Make A List

If you need a reason to keep going, make a list of everyone whose heart will be broken by you giving up.

Add your parents, your siblings, any children, your cousins, your friends, and anyone who loves and cares for you. The list will be much longer than you might think.

6. Avoid Drugs & Alcohol

Any drugs, whether illicit or not, can often exacerbate suicidal thoughts, so give them the widest of wide births.

Even if you're not feeling that way, they can make negative feelings feel worse and you don't want to go there either!

Avoid any substances that will change your state of mind, this includes alcohol.

7. Distraction Pieces

No, not the Scroobius Pip podcast, but if you're feeling so low you want to end it, then distract yourself with something you enjoy.

Watch your favourite TV show, immerse yourself in your favourite movie, watch your favourite sport, listen to your favourite song or album, prepare or order your favourite meal, in fact, do anything else that brings a smile to your face which may have been missing for too long.

By distracting yourself with positive thoughts and memories, you'll soon be in a better place.

8. Remember to Remember

However low you feel now, there will have been a time when things didn't seem so dark and you know what? There will be again.

Look for those reasons that made you want to get up the next day. You didn't always feel like this and it may well be the last time you feel like this because things will get better.

Remind yourself of that with thoughts of the positive things in your life. It might be time you spent with your children, your brothers and/or sisters, your mum and dad, friends, or work colleagues.

Remember those big dreams you had? They are still as relevant today as they were then.

Something to make you want to get up tomorrow morning and not give up, so dig deep and remember that. Even if you have to dig very deep, it's there.

9. Socially Speaking

There's a lot to be said for social media. Some good, some bad. It's not all pictures of cats and knowing what people had for their dinner.

On X (or Twitter as it used to be known), there are several initiatives tailored specifically around getting help with you're at your lowest ebb.

Those good samaritans within our virtual community have defined themselves as someone willing to help you when you're feeling low.

They'll offer support, a shoulder to cry/whinge/rant on without judgement. We all need a wingman, even if it's only virtual.

There's a project called #ProjectLG (so go search for it...not RIGHT now, you're reading this!).

It was set up by a mental health advocate called Carrie Shade. Anyone who has that hashtag in their bio is someone who has identified themselves as a LifeGuard.

This also means they can be contacted by anyone who is feeling suicidal and they'll be there to listen.

It's a brilliant example, amongst many others, of the fantastic work people do for others through social media.

Now, did I ever tell you what I had for dinner or show you a really cute picture of a cat??

10. Temporary Problem. Permanent Solution

You may have convinced yourself that things won't get better, but I've got some news for you and you might not like're wrong. Very wrong indeed.

Maybe the medication you're on isn't working, but there are others to try and, sooner or later, you'll find one that works.

Once that's sorted then you'll find a form of therapy or some lifestyle choices that will help and may not even need either of them anymore.

It might be a journey, but it's possible. It is absolutely possible. How you feel right now is temporary, but suicide is very, very permanent.

That day in the future when you've recovered from this dark place, you'll be so glad you made the right choice, and I will too. I write eulogies for a living but I do not want to write yours when you still have so much to live for.


A little departure from our usual content I know, but I hope this helps you, or someone you know. Please feel free to share it with your own network. The more this kind of content is available, the more people might see it and realise that there is hope.

If there's anything else you think I've missed or should have been included, please let me know by leaving a comment below. All experiences are valid.

Please remember these outline my experiences and should not replace any advice given by a mental health professional If you are in crisis and need help, please speak to someone. You can find a list of crisis services around the world on this site.

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